Over the course of more than thirty years, I have honed my craft in response to different markets and audiences, and have produced a wide variety of copperwork.
Hammering with the line of light as my guide, I stretch, shrink, fold and roll sheet-copper into whatever form is required. In so doing, I have come to appreciate the amazing qualities of this durable and endlessly recyclable material. For example, that Copper is non-magnetic and so doesn't affect the polarity or integrity of the soil if used as tools and in the garden. And also, I became aware of the significance of the anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties of copper, and then of the beneficial and health-giving aspects of drinking water that has been stored in copper cans. I have made water containers and therapeutic baths of various styles and sizes.
At this stage in my career, it is always welcome to hear people’s novel ideas. Maybe you’re looking for something that you have wanted to get made, but haven’t been able to. My main interest is helping people who have a concept and need a craftsman to help them realise the image that they might have in mind. I enjoy the problem solving and design aspects of creating individual objet d’art, or practical creations.